Senin, 29 Juni 2015



          Mastery of the English language into knowledge that we must learn as an Indonesian. Beginning in the 1960s English has become the subject of no less importance to other subjects. From an early age should be applied and taught to speak English, not just needed during the school alone but to the world of work even more old English language will be used. For it is not there any disadvantages to master the English language, because the longer development will be more modern and jamanpun inggrispun language will be the language used priority.
          Mastery of the English language is very important in many fields, including in the fields of business, education, world periwisata and certainly for the future and globalization.
         In the business world the English language plays an important role, especially if we establish cooperation with foreign companies. The business world is increasingly globalized, more and more local companies including Indonesian company has entered into the world market and use English as the primary communication tool, and more and more international companies enter the local market, the use of English is the language of "business" increasingly perceived as a necessity. In addition, seen a lot of cases that we have encountered which are often negotiations failed because of a misunderstanding with prospective foreign partners, the work was delayed because of communication haltingly with clients from other countries or job application in a foreign company was rejected because of the lack of English language skills and equal employment opportunity with the company canceled because of international class could not provide manpower who can speak English. Thus the English language is very important for us to be able to improve the quality of existing didiri us to be able to compete internationally, especially in the field of business.
          In the era of globalization is a lot of development in various fields, including in the world of free trade, indutrial and company which began to enter into the country, the increase in foreign investors which led to foreign companies established in our country and there are many more in other areas, and therefore very English important for us to master in order to compete with foreign parties.
English can be said is the mother of a variety of languages, meaning that English is an international language that can connect communication in various countries, for example, an official met with other officials of different nationality, they use English to communicate with each other. Dibangku sekolahlah English class has an important role. If it had been plunged into the world of work the days of globalization must be skilled to speak English in order to compete with the free market place. Because with the English language skills of our careers in the world of work can continue to climb, especially if we work in a foreign company, the greater the demands kerjapun, do not like working in the company of local English language is required if a meeting or meet with clients from abroad but foreigners in the company if it wants communicate with co-workers who come from abroad and send email with a company in another party branches should also wear English. All communications have used language is English internasionel.
That is the importance of English in the present, future and the future of globalization as more and more priority today English is used in the community.
Business economic strategy
           In addition, we must have a business economic strategy to achieve business objectives. Here are a few strategies for business economics to start a business
1. Understand your current business position
          Perform observations business internally and externally, is happening to this day, such as financial performance, customer satisfaction, sales staff, marketing and sales trends, conversion, productivity and so forth. Look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to your business. Understand well sell unique business strategy and ideal for the customer.
Also understand the business environment, competitors and the market you are aiming. Is your market share, how do you expect the market growth, and change what is happening in the market. Note also the trend of political, economic, social and technology that could have an impact on your business. It is important for you to be realistic, critical and objective in conducting this analysis.
2. The purpose of long-term business
          Determine the long-term vision for your business and identifying what is to be achieved within 5 to 10 years or the period you choose. You may want to increase sales and profits by x%, to create value in your business, so that you can sell for a certain amount or might want to keep your business in the current conditions.
If you want growth, maybe your business strategy to increase market share, expand the range of products, investing in technology, getting investment, changing the business structure. See where
towards business goals is an opportunity to challenge the status quo of your business, step outside the box and think creatively.

3. How to get there
          The next business strategies, identify how you will achieve it. Notice in every area of ​​your business, determine what changes need to be done to achieve long-term vision. Determine how best to implement the change. Create an action plan of what to do and when. Finally, begin to apply your action plan.
4. Review your strategy regularly
         Review the long-term strategy on a regular basis to ascertain whether the plan is still relevant or not. Having a well thought through long-term business strategy will give you and your business run more focused and directed. It will help you significantly with business planning, time management and running your business from day to day.

          if we want to be in the business world and the economy, especially in the era of globalization the world today to be able to talk, listen and understand English, then we should have some of these qualities in ourselves, namely:
1.Courage to take the initiative.
2.It's on time.
3.Calm serve and give.
4.Open yourself first.
5.Glad to cooperate and establish a good relationship.
6.Love to learn new things.
7.Rarely complain, professionalism is the most important.
8.Dare to risk.
9.Showed no fear (think positive all the time).
10."Comfortable in their own skin" Covering up something and make it look "better" than the other.

Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

adverbial clause


   Definition of adverbial clause
    Pengertian Adverbial Clause

Adverb clause is a clause that explains or gives information about the verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in a sentence.
 (Adverb clause adalah anak kalimat yang menjelaskan atau memberi informasi tentang katakerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan dalam kalimat).

Adverbial clause is usually classified based on the "meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctions which preceded it).
(Adverbial Clause biasanya diklasifikasikan berdasarkan “arti/maksud” dari Conjunction (kata penghubung yang mendahuluinya)).

In the book Accurate, Brief, and Clear English grammar explained that the adverb is an adverb or an additional word in use to describe a verb.
(Dalam buku Accurate, Brief, and Clear English grammar di jelaskan bahwa Adverb adalah kata keterangan atau kata tambahan yang di pakai untuk menerangkan kata kerja).

Adveb Clause is a form of dependent clauses. They can not stand sendirisebagai sentence in English. They must be connected to an independent clause. When the adverb clause is preceded by an independent clause, a comma is used untukmemisahkan clause, whereas when adveb clause followed by independenclause, usually do not use commas.
(Adveb Clause adalah bentuk dari anak kalimat yang dependen. Mereka tidak bisa berdiri sendirisebagai kalimat dalam bahasa inggris. Mereka harus dihubungkan menjadi independen clause. Ketika  adverb clause didahului dengan independen clause, tanda koma digunakan untukmemisahkan clause, sedangkan ketika adveb clause kemudian diikuti dengan independenclause, biasanya tidak menggunakan tanda koma).

1.    Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made ​​by using the conjunction (connecting word) such as after, before, no Sooner, while, as, since, when, etc.
(Clause yang menunjukkan waktu. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti after, before, no sooner, while, as, since, when, dll.)
Example :
·            When = I come to your house when she wants to go out.
( Saya dating kerumah kamu sewaktu dia akan pulang )

·            Since = He thief could not run away since the police had shot his leg.
( Pencuri itu tidak dapat melarikan diri karena polisi menembak kakinya )

·            Before = They will leave before you get here.
( Mereka akan pergi sebelum kamu sampai di sini )

·            While = She was reading a book while the dinner was cooking. 
( Dia sedang membaca buku ketika makan malam sedang dimasak )

·            No Sooner = No sooner had she entered than he gave an order.
(Tidak lama setelah ia masuk dari dia memberi perintah )

2.   Clause of Place
Clause that indicates the place. Usually made ​​by using the conjunction as where, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc.
(Clause yang menunjukkan tempat. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti where, nowhere, anywhere, wherever, dll.)
Example :
·            Where = I don’t know where my friend now
( saya tidak tau dimana teman saya sekarang )

·            Where = We don’t know where her husband worked
( Kami tidak tahu dimana suaminya bekerja )

·            Wherever = I always remember you wherever I stay.
( saya selalu ingat kamu dimanapun saya berada )

·            Wherever = She always smile day wherever she stay
( Dia selalu tersenyum dimanapun dia berada )

·            Wherever = Wherever you are, I'll always be faithful waiting.
         ( Di manapun kamu berada, aku akan selalu setia menunggu )

3.   Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause that indicates the existence of a conflict between two events or events that are related. Usually made ​​by using the conjunction (connecting word) such as although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc.
(Clause yang menunjukkan adanya pertentangan antara dua kejadian atau peristiwa yang saling berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, dll.)
Example :
·            As the time = As the time you were sleeping, we were working hard.
         (Seperti saat Anda sedang tidur, kami bekerja keras )

·            Whereas = Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
         (Maria ingin berhenti, sedangkan saya ingin terus )

·            Even though = Even though the weather was cold , I went swimming.
         (Meskipun cuaca dingin, saya pergi berenang )

·            Although = although he was stern, but his heart is very good
         (Meskipun dia galak, tetapi hatinya sangat baik )

·            Even if = He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
         (Dia sangat ramah, bahkan jika dia adalah mahasiswa pintar )

4.   Clause of Manner
Clause which shows how the cars work is done or event occurs. Usually made ​​by using the conjunction (connecting word) such as, how, like, in that, etc.
(Clause yang menunjukkan cars bagaimana suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti as, how, like, in that, dll.)
Contoh :
·            Like  = They may beat us again, like they did in 1978.
( Mereka mungkin mengalahkan kita lagi, seperti yang mereka lakukan pada tahun 1978 )

·            How = You may finish it how you like.
         ( Anda bisa menyelesaikannya bagaimana Anda suka )

·            As = He did as I told him.
         (Dia lakukan seperti yang saya katakan padanya )

5.   Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intentions / objectives and outcomes. Usually made ​​by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc.
(Clause yang menunjukkan hubungan maksud/tujuan dan hasil. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan kata penghubung seperti (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, dll.)
Example :
·            In the hope that = In the hope that he can give goodeducation for his children.
(Dengan harapan bahwa dia bisa memberikan pendidikan yang baik untuk anak-anaknya )

·            In case = I’ll be at my uncle’s house in case you (should) need to reach me.
(Aku akan ada di rumah paman saya jika anda (harus) perlu menghubungi saya)

·            So that = She bought a book so (that) she could learn English.
(Dia membeli sebuah buku begitu (bahwa) dia bisa belajar bahasa Inggris )

·            So that = He is saving his money so that he may take a long vacation.
         (Dia menyimpan uang sehingga dia dapat mengambil liburan panjang )

6.   Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause indicating cause and effect relationships. There are some patterns to form this type of clause. Take a good look.
(Clause yang menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat. Ada beberapa pola membentuk Clause jenis ini. Perhatikan baik-baik).
Example :
·            Ryan ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
(  Ryan berlari begitu cepat sehingga ia memecahkan rekor kecepatan sebelumnya )

·            It was so cold yesterday that I didn't want to swim.
( Hal ini begitu dingin kemarin bahwa saya tidak ingin berenang )

·            The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
( Sup itu terasa begitu baik bahwa setiap orang akan meminta lebih )

·            The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.
(Mahasiswa telah bersikap begitu buruk bahwa dia diberhentikan dari kelas )

Example :
·            The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team.
( The Smiths punya anak begitu banyak sehingga mereka membentuk tim bisbol sendiri )

·            I had so few job offers that it wasn't difficult to select one.
(Saya punya tawaran pekerjaan begitu sedikit bahwa tidak sulit untuk memilih salah satu )

Example :
·            He has invested so much money in the project that he cannot abandon it now.
( Dia telah menginvestasikan begitu banyak uang dalam proyek yang ia tidak bisa meninggalkannya sekarang )
·            The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.
( Rumput yang diterima sehingga air kecil yang ternyata coklat panas )

Example :
·            It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors. ATAU It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.
( Sungguh hari yang panas itu kami memutuskan untuk tinggal di dalam rumah )

·            It was such an interesting book that he couldn't put it down. ATAU It was so interesting a book that he couldn't put it down.
          ( Sungguh buku yang menarik bahwa ia tidak bisa meletakkannya )

Example :
·            She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
( Dia memiliki kemampuan luar biasa sehingga semua orang cemburu kepadanya )

·            They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.
( Mereka adalah gambar yang indah sehingga semua orang akan ingin satu )

·            Perry has had such bad luck that he's decided not to gamble.
( Perry telah memiliki nasib buruk sehingga dia memutuskan untuk tidak berjudi )

·            This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.
( Ini adalah pekerjaan rumah yang sulit sehingga saya tidak akan pernah menyelesaikannya )

In addition, to reveal the cause and effect relationships (cause and effect) can be used another pattern, namely:
(Di samping itu, untuk mengungkapkan hubungan cause and effect (sebab dan akibat) dapat digunakan pola lain, yaitu: )

1.       Using preposition (preposition) as because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
(Menggunakan Preposition (kata depan) seperti because of, due to, due to the fact that, dll.)
Example :
·            Because of the cold weather, we stayed home. => We stayed home because of the cold weather.
·            Due to the cold weather, we stayed home. => We stayed home due to the cold weather.
·            Due to the fact that the weather was cold, we stayed home. => We stayed home due to the fact that the weather was cold.

( Karena cuaca dingin, kami diam di rumah. => Kami diam di rumah karena cuaca dingin )

2.    Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
(Menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction) seperti because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as).
Example :
·            Because he was sleepy, he went to bed.
( Karena ia mengantuk, ia pergi tidur )

·            Since he's not interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
( Karena dia tidak tertarik dengan musik klasik, ia memutuskan untuk tidak pergi ke konser )

·            Inasmuch as the two government leaders could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
( Sejauh kedua pemimpin pemerintah tidak bisa mencapai kesepakatan, kemungkinan perdamaian masih jauh )

3.  Use transition words such as therefore, consequently.
(Menggunakan transition words seperti therefore, consequently).
Example :
·            Alex failed the test because he didn't study.
( Alex gagal tes karena dia tidak belajar )

·            Alex didn't study. Therefore, he failed the test.
( Alex tidak belajar. Oleh karena itu, ia gagal tes )

·            Alex didn't study. Consequently, he failed the test.
( Alex tidak belajar. Akibatnya, dia gagal tes )

7.   Clause of Condition
Clause that indicates the existence of requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made ​​by using conjunctions such as if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, Provided (that), providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that), etc.
(Clause yang menunjukkan adanya persyaratan antara dua kejadian (peristiwa) yang berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunctions seperti if, even if, unless, in the even that, or in even that, in case, provided (that), providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that), dll.)
Example :
§   If I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow.
( Jika saya melihatnya, saya akan mengundang dia untuk besok partai )

§   She would forgive her husband everything, if only he would come back to her.
( Dia akan mengampuni segala suaminya, kalau saja dia akan kembali padanya )

§   Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have enough insurance to cover such a loss.
( Misalkan (bahwa) rumah Anda terbakar, apakah Anda memiliki asuransi cukup untuk menutupi kerugian tersebut )

§   In case a robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be notified at once.
( Dalam kasus perampokan terjadi di hotel, manajemen harus diberitahu sekaligus )

§   The company will agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is called off at once.
( Perusahaan akan setuju untuk arbitrase pada kondisi (itu) pemogokan disebut pergi secepatnya )

§   We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided (that) you give us all the necessary information.
( Kita harus dapat melakukan pekerjaan untuk Anda dengan cepat, asalkan (itu) Anda memberikan semua informasi yang diperlukan )

    Source  :